Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back To School!!!

Back to school it is! I am happy to announce that I was officially admitted back into Dixie College today, after taking a seventeen year break! I met with the counselor and after thirty minutes of going over my transcripts, things were in motion. He recommended a Business class and a Computer class for starting out. I also filled out all the Student Aid info and will find out in about three days if I qualify for it. I will be starting classes on Feb 17th. It is only 6 credits to start with but I think I will be wise to start a little slow so as not to crash and burn! I am very excited!! Oh yeah, you might all want to know what I want to be when I grow up, ha ha! If the classes didn't give it away...I will be getting a degree in Accounting. If it serves no other purpose then to aid in the running of our business! Wish me luck!


Livin' it and Lovin' it! said...

Congrats on going back to school!!!!! Best of luck to you! What computer class are you taking? Is it the stupid one that everyone has to take that is kind of on your own and you don't really meet with a class but have a ton of due dates for different things in Excel, Word,Publisher blah blah blah, cause if it is that class bites ASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I'm sure you will do much better than I did though, I definantly didn't have any motivation to be in school at Dixie 1.6 GPA go me! Anyway best of luck! Love ya

matt and alex said...

I got on your guys blog to leave you a comment saying that Matt and I have a blog now.
That's awesome that you are going back to school. Good for you. Hope everything is going well.

huntersrus said...

I am glad to see it is oficial!! If we end up having homework day once in a while instead of scrapbook day I will understand. HA HA

Jess and Nate said...

Cind!!! I am so excited for you!!! Nate and I are in the process of getting back into school as well, but we'll be back up in SLC if it all works out, I was admitted into the U yesterday and we're waiting to have Nate's transcripts sent and go from there, he might go to the community college since this won't be the end of the road for him (he'll be taking pre-reqs for optometry) and it'll save us a little money in tuition :) I agree with Aub about the computer class but you'll do great! It's just a lot of busy work. Good for you!!!!