Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back To School!!!

Back to school it is! I am happy to announce that I was officially admitted back into Dixie College today, after taking a seventeen year break! I met with the counselor and after thirty minutes of going over my transcripts, things were in motion. He recommended a Business class and a Computer class for starting out. I also filled out all the Student Aid info and will find out in about three days if I qualify for it. I will be starting classes on Feb 17th. It is only 6 credits to start with but I think I will be wise to start a little slow so as not to crash and burn! I am very excited!! Oh yeah, you might all want to know what I want to be when I grow up, ha ha! If the classes didn't give it away...I will be getting a degree in Accounting. If it serves no other purpose then to aid in the running of our business! Wish me luck!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Last Weekend

Well last weekend Kent and Sam asked us to watch the girls. We had a blast! Sunday was Brianna's Birthday so on Saturday we went to the movies and seen Hotel For Dogs. Not really my favorite, but the kids loved it. Later that evening Todd took all us ladies out to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. The staff there sang Happy Birthday to both Gracie and Brianna and put them on the saddle. They thought it was great fun!
But our fun didn't end there...we had went to Partyland on Saturday before the show, Amanda took this cute picture of the girls trying on glasses, I thought it was super cute. We were there purchasing the supplies to have a Hawaiian Birthday for Sunday when Kent and Sam got back. We then went to Lin's to get the cake and ice-cream and the Kids Club was doing a scavenger hunt. They invited the girls to join in, so Amanda took them around the store collecting all sorts of goodies. When they finished the lady running the event asked if Amanda would please bring in a photo of the girls to be posted on the spring Kids Club Magazine. I hope they put them on. We did manage to get some really cute photos. (I have included more in the slideshow!) Brianna was super excited to have her party and it was very fun! Sammy helped Brianna set the table with all the Hawaiian gear and we had Chocolate Cake and Ice-Cream. It was so fun to get to spend such quality time with these little ones. I love spoiling them rotten and we had a very eventful couple of days! Saturday morning Gracie was visiting with me in the kitchen as everyone else was still in bed. She had been telling me stories, then all of a sudden she says, "My goodness Aunt Cindy, I have so much to tell you, we have alot to catch up on!" She then continued to talk my ear off. It was so fun just hanging out with her like that, what a cutie! We then made some chocolate cupcakes which she called "MUFFINS". Before they went home on Sunday I asked her what her favorite part of the weekend was, and she said making muffins...Imagine that! I love you little ones! Thank you for a terrific weekend! It was one I will always remember!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Resolutions....

So every year we make up all these wonderful resolutions that we believe we will keep for the year to come and then usually that is all it is, speaking them but never following through. In the past my resolution was to not make resolutions. That way I wouldn't break them. This year my resolution was going to be to set aside time each Monday to maintain my blog. What can I say, here we are to the middle of the month and I am just starting. Man it is hard to find time to do everything. However, I am really going to try to be more diligent at updating this thing regularly. If for no other reason then to have some kind of a journal for my girls to look back on and hopefully remember the beautiful life that we have.

A White Christmas!

Yes, it is true we really did have snow for Christmas. I gathered up Todd and the girls and told them we definitley needed to get out and get our picture in it. Who knows, it could be quite a while, if ever, before we see snow on Christmas Day in Ivins! What a special treat!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Events from 2008

So too get everyone up to speed here are some of the events that have taken place in our life the past few months.

November 15, 2008
Amanda invited Nate Drew to the Sadies Hawkins Dance. The week that led up to it was very eventful. Her teacher nominated her and her friend Chad to run for the dance royalty. It was a week packed full of fun things, if they got through one day and won a competition, they moved on to the next. Day 1 they decorated cans and collected money to help Annette Lake in her fight against Breast Cancer. Day 2 they had to make each other look eighties. Day 3 they had to find people dressed in different costume and get their picture taken with them. Day 4 (my personal favorite) they ahd to chase and catch chickens. Of course she didn't let me know when it was because she didn't want me taking pictures, dang her! Well she made it to Day 5 where they had to walk a runway and model a bottle of Rootbeer. She didn't win in the end but what a fun week full of memories!

December 1, 2008 our beautiful little Samantha went in and had her braces taken off. The four years of treatment paid off and she has a most beautiful smile!She counted down the days from the time of her previous appointment which was six weeks earlier. The day before she was giving me updates regularly saying, "Mom, I have twelve hours and fifteen minutes til I get my braces off!" Yeah what can we say, she was very excited!
BEFORE: July 2004
AFTER: Dec 1, 2008